Dimmers | Switches | Plugs – Margin Services Help Centre https://help.marginservices.co.uk Mon, 05 Aug 2024 13:57:12 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 Wiring our dimmers https://help.marginservices.co.uk/knowledge-base/wiring-our-dimmers/ Fri, 05 Jul 2024 10:30:06 +0000 https://help.marginservices.co.uk/?post_type=epkb_post_type_1&p=1475

This guide is to help you wire our dimmers.

You can either scroll down this guide or click on the link below to jump to that section.


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Slide the Slider on the dimmer body fully one way and repeat this with the slider unit on the cover this way when you put the two together they will align.
Wiring a foot switch https://help.marginservices.co.uk/knowledge-base/wiring-a-foot-switch/ Fri, 05 Jul 2024 10:18:59 +0000 https://help.marginservices.co.uk/?post_type=epkb_post_type_1&p=1448

Here we will show you how to wire a foot switch, but firstly, let’s help with getting into it. These foot switches have a snap together construction, so sometimes a bit awkward to open for the first time.

Have a look at the back of the foot switch, and you will see 2 slots and the words ‘Open’. With a screwdriver around 3mm wide, insert it into the slot with the blade closest to the centre. Then twist a little whilst pulling the 2 parts apart. Do the same in the other slot.


Here is a quick video on where to position the screwdriver and twist.

Now inside the foot switch there is a switch in the middle which you will connect the Live or Brown wire to and 2 additional terminals for the Neutral connection and the Earth connection. Also you will see 2 cord grips which must be used to hold the flex firmly in the foot switch.

Connect the wires as show here.

Remember to add the spring onto the switch and then line up the top cover and push together so it snaps shut.

The switch in this foot switch has a 1 amp rated switch which means you can use this with a 240w lamp but in most cases a 100w lamp would be the normal.

If you only have a 2 core flex then the Green & Yellow wire in the above photo would not be used.

Download the instruction leaflet below.

Wiring of a 13a plug top https://help.marginservices.co.uk/knowledge-base/wiring-of-a-13a-plug-top/ Fri, 05 Jul 2024 10:13:52 +0000 https://help.marginservices.co.uk/?post_type=epkb_post_type_1&p=1440

There are a few important things to remember when wiring a plug top. The most important of course is putting the correct wire in the right terminal. This information will be on the card attached to the plug and will also be on the plug itself.

The fuse will always have the Brown (live) wire.

The next most important thing is to make sure the flex can’t be pulled out under normal conditions so making sure the flex is help correctly in the cord grip.

Also make sure the wires are neat and tidy, you don’t want exposed wires inside the plug.

Make sure the terminals are tight.

Make sure you use the right fuse. 3A (Red) for lighting projects.

Below, we have shown a few different wiring methods using different types of flex. The braided flex can be one of the hardest to use. Make sure with the braided flex you take the point where it fits into the cord grip, as this will ensure it holds and will also stop the braid from fraying.

How to get into our table switches https://help.marginservices.co.uk/knowledge-base/how-to-get-into-our-table-switches/ Fri, 05 Jul 2024 10:09:35 +0000 https://help.marginservices.co.uk/?post_type=epkb_post_type_1&p=1435

Below is a quick video showing you how to remove the back of the inline table switch.

For the following products:

The basic concept is to grab a slotted screwdriver and insert it into the side, then as if you’re trying to snap the switch, push down on the switch and the screwdriver.

This will then pop the back off the switch, please see the video below which should explain the above in more detail.

Wiring our single pole in-line switch https://help.marginservices.co.uk/knowledge-base/wiring-our-single-pole-in-line-switch/ Wed, 03 Jul 2024 15:25:44 +0000 https://help.marginservices.co.uk/?post_type=epkb_post_type_1&p=1422

The Arditi single pole in line table lamp switch is a small and neat looking lamp switch. However making it small can cause a few assembly issues when wiring these switches. It’s a case of take your time to make a neat wiring job.

Please do not over tighten the live terminal as this may break the rivet holding it in place.

The switch cover can be removed by undoing the 2 rear screws.

Then remove both cord grips from the ends of the switch.

Undo all 6 terminal screws allowing the maximum opening for the wires.

Its best to cut your wires to length by laying the flex on top of the switch and cutting the individual wire just past the point of connection. Its also best if you can to twist the individual wire and then fold then over to give a good connection for the terminal to screw down onto.

Here we have shown the stripped wire, the twisted wire and then the folded wire.

If you are using a 2 core flex then just ignore the Green/Yellow wires below.


My inline switch has fallen apart or the switch is loose! https://help.marginservices.co.uk/knowledge-base/my-inline-switch-has-fallen-apart-or-the-switch-is-loose/ Wed, 03 Jul 2024 14:59:13 +0000 https://help.marginservices.co.uk/?post_type=epkb_post_type_1&p=1385

This happens from time to time when the metal strip that makes the switch contacts either dislodges or falls out, you can tell this easily if the switch is limp and not making a firm clicking noise and is all wobbly.


This is not a problem at all and is easily repairable.

The following guide is for the Arditi inline single switches only SKU’s:

This is also relevant to the double pole, however with the double pole you just have 2 of these strips SKU’s:


Once this has been done correctly you will feel a solid click and also hear the click this is your confirmation that its seated correctly and is going to move up and down to make the contact.

If you still cannot get this to work please do get in touch with our support team 

Looking for information on how to wire the switch then head over to our guide for Wiring the single pole switch


Assembly and wiring of our black twin inline foot switch https://help.marginservices.co.uk/knowledge-base/assembly-and-wiring-of-our-black-twin-inline-foot-switch/ Wed, 03 Jul 2024 14:46:18 +0000 https://help.marginservices.co.uk/?post_type=epkb_post_type_1&p=1356
  • Back Body
  • Front Body
  • Body Screws
  • Neutral Block
  • Switches
  • Switch Covers
This is a quick step-by-step guide on how to assemble and wire our black twin inline foot switch.
In this example, i will be showing you how to wire this twin switch using 1x feed and 2x outputs.
Any electrical work should be carried out by a competent person.
This switch comes in pieces and consists of the following items:
Inline LED Dimmer is not working! https://help.marginservices.co.uk/knowledge-base/inline-led-dimmer-is-not-working/ Wed, 03 Jul 2024 14:25:38 +0000 https://help.marginservices.co.uk/?post_type=epkb_post_type_1&p=1349

If the LED dimmer you have purchased is not working, there are a few things you can double-check and try before contacting us for a replacement.

Here are some common mistakes that can be missed when installing.

Wired up correctly as shown below.

Table of Contents

Ensure you are not using this dimmer on a 12V system, if you have the tiny G4 light bulbs without he small pins then this dimmer will not work as it has an output voltage of 240V

A few ways to check if you have a 12v system.

  • Have you got a normal plug top or is a big and bulky? if its bulky then it will have a 12v transformer inside-  this dimmer will work here: https://www.lampspares.co.uk/relco-low-voltage-12v-inline-dimmer-4991318/
  • In the base of the light fitting is there a transformer?
  • On the old switch/dimmer (if applicable) was it much bigger? if so same as the plug top it may of had a 12v transformer in there.

Please ensure you are using LED lamps that are designed for Leading Edge Dimmers and that the lamps are in fact dimmable lamps, as not all LED lamps can be dimmed.


Here is a list of the correct wattage lamps that can be used with the dimmer.

  • LED: 4-25w
  • CFL: 11-25w
  • Incandescent & Halogen: 4-150w

If you can check to ensure the supply is working i.e ensure the socket is working that you are using (use a radio or something to test) being an electrician for many of years you will be surprised how many times this has caught people out as we always expect our socket to be working!

If that is known to be working, then check the fuse inside your plug top.

3 amp is the size you need if you must replace it.



You will have to work with the lid off, please be careful.

If you have a multi meter to hand that would be really helpful, set the unit to AC voltage and test between the live (brown) and neutral (blue) on the input to ensure there is approx. 230v

If this is the case, then you know you have power up to the unit.

Then take your probes and put it on the output and ensure the dimmer is on then test again, you should get the same approx. reading.

If you do not get any voltage out, then ensure the small fuse inside the dimmer is working.

After the above steps if the dimmer is still not working please do get touch via this form

